Virtual Phone Numbers are inexpensive secondary numbers that ring to your primary SuiteAdvantage line. The advantage is that people outside your local calling area can call you for the price of a local call if you choose a virtual phone number in their area code.
Make sure that you have an active OneSuite SuiteAdvantage account.
Then, in your OneSuite account, go to the left menu, select SUITEADVANTAGE, then ADD NUMBERS.
SuiteAdvantage virtual phone numbers point to your primary number and are only for inbound calls.
In the same way that you can have more than one email address point to the same email account, you can have more than one SuiteAdvantage number link to your SuiteAdvantage primary number. The SuiteAdvantage Call Routing Network points your Virtual Number calls to your primary line.
If the area code you need is not available, you may fill out an area code request form and we'll try our best to process your request.